Mintz Law Firm Blog

Keeping Your Teen Safe from the Dangers of Driving with a Cellphone

By Mintz Law Firm | June 20, 2017

If you’re like most parents, celebrating your child’s 16th birthday tends to come with mixed feelings. On one hand, you’re proud that your kid has earned his or her driver’s license, and you’re even a little bit excited to see them start embracing some independence. On the other hand, you’re terrified of letting them take…

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Is Your Car or Motorcycle an Accident Waiting to Happen?

By Mintz Law Firm | May 31, 2017

Although you may not be proud of it, you’ve probably put off some car and/or motorcycle repairs in your life. Small issues like a wiggling arm rest or a broken stereo may not put you and your family in danger, but there are certain problems that, when ignored, turn your vehicle into a ticking time…

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What to Watch Out for on a Construction Site (part 2 of 2)

By Mintz Law Firm | May 16, 2017

If you joined us last week, you know that we’ve been focusing on common hazards and safety issues found within the construction workplace. Throughout the years, we’ve seen countless people suffering from injuries sustained on the job. Although we take pride in representing people who have been hurt while working at a construction site, we…

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What to Watch Out for on a Construction Site (part 1 of 2)

By Mintz Law Firm | May 11, 2017

As a hardworking contractor, you do so much to make the state of Colorado and the United States truly great. Unfortunately, you also put yourself at risk of injury in the workplace on a day-to-day basis. Even with OSHA safety regulations and standards in place, construction sites still present numerous safety challenges for workers, and…

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Injured on the Job? You’re Not Alone

By Mintz Law Firm | April 26, 2017

Each day when you clock into work, you expect to do your job, make money to support yourself and your family, clock out, and go home to relax and enjoy your life. The last thing you expect to happen is to become injured on the job. Unfortunately, accidents do happen, and they can result in…

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Extra Precautions That Motorcyclists Must Take Each Time They Ride

By Mintz Law Firm | April 18, 2017

Motorcycles are immensely popular in the United States. They achieve better fuel economy, are easier to park, and cost less than a typical four-wheeled automobile. These advantages have caused a surge in motorcycle ownership that is pushing toward the 9 million mark. Everyone knows that no matter what type of vehicle you drive or where…

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Why Exercising Caution Around Dogs Is Always a Good Idea

By Mintz Law Firm | April 5, 2017

If you were to take a wild guess, how many dogs do you think currently exist in the United States? 10 million? 30 million? Try… approximately 80 million. At last count, it was estimated that 47% of households in the U.S. had at least one canine companion, and every year, the overall number of furry…

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Nursing Home Abuse Is Serious Business

By Mintz Law Firm | March 29, 2017

Elderly citizens in our country should always be given the utmost respect. After all, it was on their backbones that this great nation was built. They have stories to tell — experiences that many of us will, thankfully, never be forced to live through. Although it may seem a bit cliché to refer to them…

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6 Things You Should Do Following an Auto Accident

By Mintz Law Firm | March 22, 2017

Anyone who has ever been in a car accident will tell you that it’s one of the most stressful ordeals you can experience. Even in cases where injuries are minor, not only can your day be ruined, you’re looking at weeks, or possibly even months, of dealing with the aftermath. The good news is that…

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Denver Police Release Video of Denver Hit-and-Run

By Mintz Law Firm | January 17, 2017

Police released surveillance video Wednesday afternoon of a hit-and-run on Colfax Avenue. A woman was crossing Colfax Avenue near Elizabeth Street when a driver hit her and fled the scene just after 7 a.m. Wednesday. The video shows a gray 4-door sedan barrel through the intersection and strike the student as she crossed the street…

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