Can Assumption of Risk Impact My Workplace Injury Claim?

a construction worker keels over in pain

For many workers injured on the job, varying challenges stem from the injuries one endures. With workers’ compensation benefits, many find the help to pay for the necessary medical care and treatment of work-related injuries or illnesses. Injured employees or workers find difficulty in obtaining rightful workers’ compensation benefits because of liability and fault. You…

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Legal Dive: Nanez v. Industrial Claim Appeals Office

As we’ve discussed here in the past several times, workers’ compensation claims can be often be tricky. The sad truth, however, is that we often downplay some of the details because while some go mostly smoothly when you have all your ducks in a row, there are situations that are absolutely disturbing when you realize…

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What You Might Not Know About Vaccine Injury

Vaccines play an important role in staying healthy for both children and adults, but as you might expect, accidents do unfortunately happen from time to time. Although these accidents are not the norm, when they do occur, they can have long-lasting consequences that negatively impact a person’s life. What you might not know about vaccine…

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Worker Injured While Performing Union Activities

Union workers can wear many hats in relationship to their employment. They are like most other employees, union or otherwise, during the workday. They are supporters for fair wages and employment conditions during a strike. And those involved with union leadership are advocates for union members and negotiators of collective bargaining agreements with management. So,…

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What Can I Do If My Insurance Company Is Being Unreasonable?

In the case of Nibert v. GEICO, the Colorado Court of Appeals answered questions about a plaintiff’s remedies when the plaintiff’s insurance carrier in an underinsured motorist (UIM) bodily injury claim was found to have unreasonably delayed paying UIM benefits. Please feel free to visit our page on UIM coverage to learn more about those benefits.…

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Let’s Take a Look at a Few of the Most Accident-Prone Industries

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that approximately three percent of the United States workforce suffers an injury every single year. Regardless of the type of job you do, accidents can happen quickly and without warning, but some industries have proven themselves to be more dangerous than others. Here are the most accident-prone industries according to…

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What to Do If Bitten by a Rabid Animal

Say the word “rabies” to the average person, and they’re likely to think of crazy, snarling animals foaming at the mouth and ready to attack at any moment. They may even start talking about the dog in Stephen King’s Cujo and how this lovable family pet became a cold-blooded killer. While this visual isn’t always…

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Best Practices for Skiers and Riders to Stay Safe

Best Practices for Skiers and Riders to Stay Safe Skiing and snowboarding are some of the most popular activities you’ll find in this great state of ours. Once the weather turns cold and snow begins to cap the mountains, avid skiers or riders and those just starting out begin chomping at the bit to hit…

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How to Handle a Dog Bite

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but even the friendliest canines have sharp teeth. Dog bites may happen for any number of reasons. Whether a puppy is in its teething stage and is going through a nipping phase, or a strange dog feels threatened and attacks, bites can be painful and dangerous. Because dog bites…

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Why Exercising Caution Around Dogs Is Always a Good Idea

If you were to take a wild guess, how many dogs do you think currently exist in the United States? 10 million? 30 million? Try… approximately 80 million. At last count, it was estimated that 47% of households in the U.S. had at least one canine companion, and every year, the overall number of furry…

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