Let’s Take a Look at a Few of the Most Accident-Prone Industries

Let’s Take a Look at a Few of the Most Accident-Prone Industries

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that approximately three percent of the United States workforce suffers an injury every single year. Regardless of the type of job you do, accidents can happen quickly and without warning, but some industries have proven themselves to be more dangerous than others. Here are the most accident-prone industries according to their research and statistics:


It’s somewhat ironic that an industry charged with caring for sick and injured persons would have the highest rate of on-the-job, non-fatal injuries. This is likely attributed to the fast-paced environment (though you might not know it if you’ve ever been in an ER late at night), in addition to various equipment that is always in use. Overall, the rate of injury according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics is 5.2 out of every 100 employees. But, if you focus only on nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and residential care facilities, that number jumps up to 8.3, which is a significant difference. The healthcare industry employs more than 15 million people, which means a large number of people have injuries every year from this single industry alone.

Transportation and Warehousing

Those in the transportation and warehousing industry may have completely different types of jobs than healthcare workers, but the rate of non-fatal injuries is the same at 5.2 out of every 100 workers. This is due to the equipment that is used on a regular basis, plus the moving of packages and cargo by forklifts, pallet jacks, dollies, etc. Air transportation jobs are the worst in the sector, clocking in at 8.3 non-fatal injuries per 100 employees. It’s not all gloomy, though – railroad transportation injuries only account for 2.0 per 100.

Entertainment and Recreation

You’d think that the employment sector that makes movies and television shows would be one of the safest jobs you could do, but statistics prove that assumption to be incorrect. In part, because this industry includes employment in spectator sports, performing arts, and similar areas. While the average for all entertainment and recreation non-fatal injuries stands at 4.8 for every 100 workers, those specific areas have injuries at the rate of 6.7 per 100. All these areas include tons of action and movement going on, which probably explains it. On the other hand, the gambling and gaming industry clocks in at only 4.3 out of 100, making it the least accident-prone in the sector.


The agricultural sector, which is instrumental in so many ways, also comes with its fair share of non-fatal injuries. Even though there are less than one million employees in this sector, their rate of non-fatal injuries stands at 4.8 for every 100 employees. Injuries are often attributable to the large farming equipment workers use, but workers who commonly work with animals, such as ranch hands, have an even higher rate, standing at 5.2 out of 100 per year.


Equipment utilized in manufacturing can often be considered hazardous given its size and the complexity of what each piece of machinery does. Injuries are most common in the metal, wood, tobacco, and beverage manufacturing areas, where the average non-fatal injury rate is 6.1, compared to 4.4 out of 100 workers for the industry as a whole. The unexpectedly low number for the entire industry is most likely due to the various safety precautions taken by employers and employees because they understand just how dangerous equipment can be. To stay much safer, take a job assembling computer electronic products, which has a rate of only 1.5 out of 100.

Have you been injured on the job? Dealing with the experience is a lot easier when you have a seasoned attorney on your side. The lawyers at Mintz Law Firm have seen plenty of workplace injury cases and can ensure that you are treated fairly. Reach out to us for a free consultation.

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