Football Season Means More Drunk Drivers

Football Season Means More Drunk Drivers

Football Season Means More Drunk Drivers

Now that the fall season has finally arrived, we can turn our attention to the things that matter – like football! Every year at this time, millions of people across the country celebrate their love of the game and cheer for their favorite teams. This year will be no different.

Unfortunately, football season can also mean an increase in the number of drunk drivers out on the road. We want you to remain safe at all times, so to help you avoid any accidents or injuries, here are a few tips to help you enjoy football season while remaining vigilant both on the road and off.

Host Your Own Football Party

Being the host of a football party is a great way to keep you and your friends safe, because you can control the elements of that party. So, if you have a big screen TV and don’t mind a few hours of cheering and yelling in your home, then this solution is bound to work best for everyone. And if you’re worried about paying for all the food, just have everyone chip in or bring something with them.

Downplay the Booze at Your Party

It’s no secret that many guests expect to drink alcohol while watching a football game with friends and family. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s time for everyone to get stumbling, blind drunk. A good rule of thumb is to provide plenty of food, even simple items like hot dogs and chips, as that will help curtail the high degree of drunkenness that comes with only consuming alcohol. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to provide plenty of non-alcoholic drink options or limit the crowd to beer rather than hard alcohol.

Watch for Irresponsible Behavior

Whether you’re hosting your own party or attending one at a friend’s house, you should always be looking for irresponsible behavior by those around you. Some people don’t know how to control their alcohol intake, and some may even attempt to go out on the road despite being under the influence, in part because alcohol can make a person feel invincible or cause them to disregard their impairment. When everyone is watching out for everyone else, people tend to get home more safely.

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Be Extra Vigilant Following the Game

One thing to realize is that the hours following the conclusion of the football game could mean an increased number of drunk drivers out on the road. Even when the game takes place smack dab in the middle of the day, it’s important to remember that some drivers on the road might not be a little tipsy earlier than usual. Therefore, if you must drive after a game – which you must only do sober, of course – then pay closer attention to those around you and watch for warning signs.

Use Ride-Sharing Services Whenever Needed

In the past, people often avoided the use of taxis to make their way home after a party because they used to be so darn expensive, even for a short trip across town. However, competition from companies like Uber and Lyft have changed all that in recent years. Now, you or a friend can get home safely without it costing a fortune. Bottom line – there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to even think about driving home drunk these days.

Be Prepared for “Pass Outs”

Everyone knows that alcohol doesn’t just make people drunk; it also makes them sleepy. You should be ready to have guests stay in a spare room set up for anyone who falls asleep or be prepared to offer your couch for your guests to catch some refreshing sleep for a few hours following the game, just in case. And if someone drinks so much that they pass out, do not wake them up to see if they’re ready to go home. Just let them sleep it off.

Traffic safety should be of utmost importance no matter what time of year it is. If you find yourself involved in an accident, whether drunk driving was involved or not, reach out to the experienced attorneys at Mintz Law Firm. We will provide you with a free case evaluation and assist you in obtaining fair compensation for your damages and injuries.

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