Teenage Driving Accidents Colorado

Teenage Driving Accidents Colorado

teen driving accidents in ColoradoTeenagers face increased risks and dangers over other drivers. Car accidents remain the leading cause of death among teenagers at the national and state level. But those fatalities appear to be going down overall. Teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 are 4 times more likely to get into accidents while driving than the average adult. The younger they are, the more at risk they are – 16-year-olds are twice as likely to crash per mile driven than 18-19 year-olds.

Colorado Teen Driving Statistics:

Our car accident lawyers at The Mintz Law Firm have some good news regarding car accident statistics for teenage drivers. We came across the 2011 report of “Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Teen Motor Vehicle Occupants” from the Colorado Department of Transportation and noticed some very hopeful news.  The fatalities among teen drivers had drastically decreased from 2003 to 2008.
According to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Colorado Department of Revenue:
• Colorado’s first graduated driver licensing laws began in 1999.
• Colorado’s graduated drivers license program appears to be making a difference. CDOT reports that 48 people ages 15-20 died in Colorado car crashes during 2008—down 54% from 2003.
• In 2008, 25% of teens ages 15-20 who died in car crashes in Colorado were riding with teen drivers ages 15-17. Source: Colorado FARS Occupants Fatalities (Motorcycles, Bicyclists, and Pedestrians excluded).

Target Group







Teen Occupant Fatalities
Ages 15-20







Teen Occupant Fatalities
Ages 15-20 with Drivers Ages 15-17







• Teen drivers represent nearly 6% of licensed Colorado drivers, but they account for more than 11% of all traffic deaths in the state.
• 28% of Colorado’s 16-year-olds obtained driver’s licenses in 2006 compared to 60% in 1999. That translates to 19,000 16-year-old drivers in 2006 down from 36,000 in 1999.
• Colorado drivers age 19 and younger totaled 150,000 in 2006 compared to 178,000 in 1995.
An increase in seatbelt use among teens certainly also plays a part in keeping car accident fatalities among young people low, with that said a reported 82.2% of teenagers wear seatbelts on Colorado’s roads.

Teen drivers aren’t as likely to drive after drinking as adults are, but their crash risk is substantially higher when they do. Teens who drink and drive are 12 times more likely to be killed than sober teen drivers.

*50% of teens admit to texting while driving.
There are three main types of distractions:

• visual – taking your eyes off the road
• manual – taking your hands off the wheel
• cognitive – taking your mind off what you’re doing
Texting while driving is so dangerous because it falls into all three of these categories.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a Colorado car accident, contact our auto accident attorneys at Mintz Law Firm LLC to learn more about your rights and how we can help.

Nothing in this information is intended nor should it be considered legal advice. We provide general information. If you need legal advice, consult your attorney.

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