Mintz Law Firm Blog

Is a Motorcycle Rider Automatically Liable for a Lane-Splitting Accident?

By mintzdev | January 17, 2023

Motorcycles are known to be able to zip quickly in and around traffic, which can be dangerous for riders, other vehicles, and pedestrians alike. This maneuverability can sometimes inspire riders to lane-split. Lane-splitting is a maneuver that entails splitting lanes with several vehicles while weaving traffic.  While it’s considered safer for riders than staying in…

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Can a Colorado Resort Still Be Held Liable If You Signed a Liability Waiver?

By mintzdev | December 22, 2022

A Colorado resort may be one of the most picturesque places to visit, but if you were to get injured while there, would you still be able to hold the resort liable? Most resorts require that you sign a liability waiver before participating in any activities such as skiing or snowboarding, but that doesn’t mean…

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How is Liability Established When Skiers Collide?

By mintzdev | December 20, 2022

Whether you find yourself on the beginner’s slope with your children or zipping down the side of a mountain with your hair flying in the wind, skiing in the winter is a tried-and-true Colorado tradition.  However fun skiing may be, it is also important to remember the potential dangers that come with it, especially during…

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Who Is Liable In a Colorado Snow Plow Accident?

By mintzdev | December 15, 2022

Snow plow accidents can cause serious damage and injuries to other vehicles or people due to their size and function. If you were involved in a snow plow accident, you may not know what steps to take next. Figuring out liability for these types of accidents can be difficult, but understanding who is liable for…

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How Is Fault Determined in a Car Accident Caused by Black Ice?

By mintzdev | December 6, 2022

Black ice is common in places where it rains often and where temperatures can drop quickly. It is notoriously hard for drivers to see and leads to a large number of accidents every year. Black ice is one of the most dangerous conditions to drive on because of this, and since Colorado sees a lot…

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Are Property Owners Liable for a Slip-and-Fall Accident on Ice or Snow?

By mintzdev | December 1, 2022

Slip-and-fall accidents on ice or snow can occur suddenly and unexpectedly, resulting in serious injury or death to the victim. Property owners play a key role in preventing these accidents, as they are responsible for maintaining their premises and ensuring that visitors and occupants are safe.  The question of whether property owners are liable for…

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Ski Safety Act: What is it and How Does it Affect Your Claim

By mintzdev | November 28, 2022

While Colorado is known for its superb skiing locations, many locals and tourists do not know the laws that govern the slopes. The Ski Safety Act includes many rules and regulations about the responsibilities of skiers and ski operators and which parties may be held liable in the event of an accident. The Ski Safety…

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What Duties are Imposed on Ski Operators Under the Ski Safety Act?

By mintzdev | November 16, 2022

While individual skiers have many duties and responsibilities to help prevent accidents on Colorado’s slopes, many factors are out of their hands. Ski operators also must do their part to avoid accidents and severe injuries under the Ski Safety Act. However, since both skiers and ski operators have several legal responsibilities, it can be challenging…

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Why Colorado Slopes Are Dangerous and How to Stay Safe

By mintzdev | November 12, 2022

Colorado is known for its gorgeous and thrilling ski slopes, and these attractions draw tourists from all over the United States. Unfortunately, many factors make skiing dangerous for first-timers and veterans alike. If you are considering a ski trip in Colorado, it is essential to be aware of the dangers and best safety practices to…

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Are Damages Capped in a Ski-Related Personal Injury Claim?

By mintzdev | November 4, 2022

Many Coloradans and out-of-staters enjoy taking advantage of the state’s beautiful ski slopes and resorts as they enjoy the scenery and winter sports. Unfortunately, skiing and snowboarding can be dangerous pastimes. Ski accident victims often suffer severe injuries that can impact their daily lives. Often, victims are forced to contend with extended hospital stays and…

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